Cozy Update – February 15, 2016
The fiberglass edges around stringers LWX and LWY and the lower longerons were trimmed and sanded.
The fiberglass edges around stringers LWX and LWY and the lower longerons were trimmed and sanded.
Four hours in the shop today doing the final glassing to the inside of both fuselage sides. 12 plies of BID cloth were cut at 45 deg to fit over the areas outlined by stringers LWX & LWY and the lower longerons. Dacron was cut as well as wax paper to be used to cover …
The temperature in the morning was around -13 degrees C and so we used an electric heater to warm up the engine. To keep it exciting we switched seats today so the PIC was in the back ! We flew over a frozen Rice Lake and then off to Cobourg where we could see a …
All 5 Suborbital Pilot Ground School DVDs are now available: Suborbital Space Environment High Altitude Operations Suborbital Rockets Instrumentation, Navigation & Communications Space Law
Here is a good video on “WHAT IT IS LIKE TO FLY A CANARD, EXPLAINED IN THREE MINUTES” Go to Free Flight Composites and click on the video !