The annual Rice Lake Launch occurred on Sunday January 19, 2025. We flew a Deployer first to test the winds followed by two minimum diameter Go Devil rockets using our new fly away rail guides.
All three flights were nominal with very easy recovery not far from the launch pad !
Winds were light from the north-east and the temperature on the lake was about -13 deg C.
All motors were sized small to keep the rockets between 1000′ and 1500′ ASL.
The morning started by mobilizing our gear, crew, and spectators followed by a safety briefing prior to any flights.

The Deployer was launched with standard 1010 rail guides and flew on an Aerotech G80T-14A with the ejection delay set for 8s based on Rocksim and OpenRocket simulations.

The 1.1″ fiberglass Go Devil was launched with a fly away rail guide and flew on an Econojet F20-7W. This was our smallest rocket and motor of the day and also our highest flyer !

The 1.6″ fiberglass Go Devil was launched with a fly away rail guide and flew on an Aerotech G67R-14A Reload with the ejection delay set for 8s based on Rocksim and OpenRocket simulations.

After the launch we hiked over to a cottage on White Island for a bbq lunch, including a rocket cake, and a fun afternoon of socializing.