Cozy Experimental Aircraft Update – December 31, 2018
Sanded a 1/16″ deep depression around the landing brake. 1″ wide forward of the landing brake and 2″ wide along the sides and aft of the landing brake.
Sanded a 1/16″ deep depression around the landing brake. 1″ wide forward of the landing brake and 2″ wide along the sides and aft of the landing brake.
Repaired some areas of the NACA scoop between the landing gear bulkheads where there were air bubbles after the 2-ply BID layup. Injected epoxy for the smaller air bubbles and sanded and patched one other spot. Continued rounding the bottom corners of the fuselage to shape. Marked a 1″ wide area forward of the landing …
Cozy Experimental Aircraft Update – December 29, 2018 Read More »
Continued shaping the bottom left exterior of the fuselage. I switched from a 4.5″ wide rounded sanding block to a 3″ wide rounded sanding block for shaping the sides between front bulkhead F22 and the middle of the landing brake.
More rounding/sanding of the bottom right side of the fuselage. Trimmed and began sanding the bottom left side of the fuselage.
Lots of sanding and shaping of the bottom left side of the fuselage. More sanding and shaping left to do on this side before starting the right side.