Space Pilots and Tour Guides
Spacepilots made the list of 10 futuristic jobs. Ten Futuristic Jobs Beyond Blue Aerospace can help you get started in the transition from air pilot to space pilot with The Suborbital Pilot’s Ground School Manual .
Spacepilots made the list of 10 futuristic jobs. Ten Futuristic Jobs Beyond Blue Aerospace can help you get started in the transition from air pilot to space pilot with The Suborbital Pilot’s Ground School Manual .
I ordered a copy of The Suborbital Pilot’s Ground School Manual for the Chair of a Canadian college aviation program on Tuesday evening and received the manual on Friday from the United States. Expect at least 3 days shipping if you order from our CreateSpace E-store for delivery to Canada.
Filled cracks and low areas with dry micro. Workshop temperature 25 deg C and humidity 40%/ Mixed 30g resin and 11.5g hardner and glass bubbles to make dry micro. Applied dry micro generously to all cracks and low areas in the area between LWX, LWY, and the lower longeron. Used a popsicle stick to flatten the …
In March 2016, two of our pilots will be participating in a University of Texas Medical Branch led Commercial Spaceflight Passenger Training Study at The NASTAR Center. Our pilots will experience a simulated suborbital spaceflight at The NASTAR Center using its high-performance centrifuge-based simulator. This simulator is capable of generating high onset-offset, sustained acceleration (“G”) forces similar …
Fuselage aft electrical channels enclosed Workshop temperature 25 deg C and humidity 39 %. 50g resin and 19g hardner was mixed with glass bubbles to make a batch of micro-slurry. Micro-slurry was applied to the bottom and sides of the foam pieces. The foam was positioned in place and covered with wax paper and weights …