Citabria Flight – May 10, 2016
Flying some circuits again at CYPQ tonight. A busy evening around the airport with Seneca College students training and Global Express flying in. I had to extend my downwind leg for this guy on final approach …
Flying some circuits again at CYPQ tonight. A busy evening around the airport with Seneca College students training and Global Express flying in. I had to extend my downwind leg for this guy on final approach …
On Thursday March 17th 2016, pilots Christopher Glos and David LeFrancois participated in a University of Texas Medical Branch led Commercial Spaceflight Passenger Training Study at The NASTAR Center. They experienced simulated suborbital spaceflights using NASTAR’s high-performance centrifuge-based simulator. This simulator generated high onset-offset, sustained acceleration (“G”) forces similar to those experienced in commercial spacecraft. Here is …
Strong winds from the north this evening, so runway 31 at CYPQ was used along with a short field takeoff technique. I wanted to fly circuits but continuous circuits aren’t permitted on this runway at CYPQ so I headed to CNF4 to use their runway 31 and avoid strong crosswinds during landings and takeoffs. I …