
Elmhirst’s Resort (CPS2)

Today’s flight took us to Elmhirst’s Resort on the north shore of Rice Lake in Ontario, Canada. You can fly into the 2,800′ x 50′ grass strip or rent one of their float planes for a scenic flight or float training. The Citabria prefers the grass !

Stanhope Visit (CND4)

Today’s flight brought us into cottage country. The Stanhope airport (CND4) is a hidden gem sitting between two lakes near Haliburton Ontario. It was a bumpy ride between Peterborough (CYPQ) and Haliburton but a beautiful day nonetheless.

Crooked Creek Airwork

Departed CYPQ 09. Upper airwork at 4500′ over Crooked Creek then back to CYPQ. Here is a short highlight video from today’s flight.

Left Aileron Control

Removed the ailerons and checked against the drawings to ensure all the rivets, screws, etc. were in place. Re-installed and inserted the 7 screws to hold the aileron in place on the wing and verified the gaps between the aileron and wing are within spec. Fabricated and installed an interface rod between the aileron and …

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Spin Practice

Departed CYPQ and climbed to 4500′ ASL in the Rice Lake practice area between Bewdley and Gores Landing for some spin practice.