Citabria Update – June 12, 2018

A great evening for some circuits at CYPQ and a flight around Peterborough, ON. If you are interested in learning to fly the Citabria 7ECA, then get yourself a copy of the Tailwheel Conversion Handbook from the Beyond Blue Shop.

Citabria Update – June 2, 2018

Logged 3 hours in the rear seat this morning. Departed CYPQ for air work in the Kawartha’s then a pit stop at CNF4. Flew circuits using the grass at CNF4 then back to the hangar.

Citabria Update – May 21, 2018

Flying circuits at CYPQ in preparation for upcoming tailwheel conversion training in June. Here is a short video clip from this morning’s flight. Time for the annual check on the ELT.