Blue Dart Alpha Launch
It was a little windy at Crooked Creek today but still a good day to fly our Blue Dart Alpha. The first flight was with a B4-4 engine and the second flight was with a C6-7. It flew to 772ft in 7.1s, 184fps.
It was a little windy at Crooked Creek today but still a good day to fly our Blue Dart Alpha. The first flight was with a B4-4 engine and the second flight was with a C6-7. It flew to 772ft in 7.1s, 184fps.
The Blue Dart Beta is the second in a series of Blue Dart rockets we have designed. It will fly using sizes D & E rocket engines.
We appreciate all the new orders for our launch controllers and electric spark gap igniters. The assembly of the next batch is underway and they will be shipped shortly. You can learn more about our launch controllers and spark gap igniters by visiting the Beyond Blue Shop. Here is a link to some 2019 launches …
Here are some photos of our new launch rail. A big thanks to Frank at Dynasoar rocketry for sharing his launch rail construction video ! We used a 6ft long 1″ launch rail and its supported by four 3ft long legs made from 2″ diameter ABS piping.
Well we postponed our trip to Alberta this week to transport a new project back to Ontario. The Citabria checkride I was going to do this weekend was postponed. So solo circuits at CYPQ this afternoon was better than no flying at all. There were a few other solo pilots but not very many people …