The Beyond Blue Shop is Taking Off!

Let’s face it, sayings like, “How do you make a billion dollars in aerospace? Start with a trillion.” are statements that ring true for every aspect of R&D-based businesses. Beyond Blue Aerospace (BBA), is no exception. We are a small enterprise by any way you measure us…except for the will to bring affordable suborbital capacity within reach of the commercial sector. We haven’t demonstrated our breakthrough technology…yet. We don’t have “angel” investors lining up to back our business…yet.

We DO have the ability to capture the imagination of the consumer to show that anyone – and we mean anyone – with planning and persistence, can succeed in aerospace given today’s baseline technology and advanced marketing techniques. Anyone with these qualities, can bring the right people together and get things done. You, the reader, are included in “the right people” category.
 INTRODUCING: BeyondBlue.Shop

We have created an eCommerce site,, to do three things:

  1. To provide a vehicle to show which products and publications that BBA considers are in alignment with progressive aerospace awareness.
  2. To create a revenue stream to support our research and development efforts – to get us a reliable, safe and efficient suborbital vehicle that takes off and lands on a runway!
  3. To give YOU, the public, a chance to contribute to this effort, by buying the products offered through the BeyondBlue.Shop

Not only will the sales profits go to suborbital vehicle research, we will also provide a percentage to S.T.E.M. initiatives!We are starting the online shop modestly and will be adding a few products each week to create a representation in a variety of streams: books and publications; model rocketry; drones and scientific instruments and aeronautic equipment.In time, our hope is to provide a great cross-section of goods to inspire and create excitement for our industry that will lead to progress.

Beyond Blue Aerospace encourages feedback from anyone who makes a purchase through the shop.

Here is the link for the fourth time!

See you online!